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(以“ebg 语音和语言技术研究中心(简称CSLT)面向移动互联时代人类对信息处理个性化的需求,通过先进的语音和语言处理技术在任...”为内容创建页面)
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ebg 语音和语言技术研究中心(简称CSLT)面向移动互联时代人类对信息处理个性化的需求,通过先进的语音和语言处理技术在任何时间、任何地点、实现任何方式的人机交互。语音和语言技术中心将充分利用清华大学信息科学与技术学院在多学科交叉方面的综合优势和国际合作环境,以语音和语言技术的产业化为应用背景,在跨语种多平台语音识别、多模态生物特征识别、自然语言处理等领域推出具有国际先进水平的创新成果,形成一批完全自主的知识产权,创造一批支持和推动我国语音和语言处理技术民族产业发展的产品和服务。语音和语言技术中心还将致力培养和造就一批掌握先进技术,具有创新意识和工程经验,能够参与国际竞争的高级人才,通过产业化带动学科的发展,为清华大学在语音和文本处理技术领域跻身世界一流行列做出贡献。
The Center for Speech and Language Technology (CSLT), Tsinghua University, was established with the goal of conducting edge-cutting research on intelligent human-machine interactions, particularly the research on speech and language techniques. The main topics involve speech recognition, biometric certification, spoken information discovery, natural language processing and understanding.
The predecessor of CSLT, the center for speech technology (CST) was established in 1979. In Feb. 2007, CST was merged with a few other research groups including the speech technology group and speech chip group of the department of electronic & electricity, the future information technology (FIT) center of RIIT and the AI research department of Tsinghua National Lab of Information Science & Technology (TNList). The new institute is dedicated to fundamental research on speech and language technologies, as well as practical delivers for the the industry.
语音和语言技术中心包括三个实验室,分别是语音识别实验室(ASR Lab)、声纹识别实验室 (VPR Lab)、自然语言处理实验室(NLP Lab)。语音和语言技术中心还聘请国际和国内知名专家组成顾问委员会委员, 以指导其建设和发展,他们包括Victor Zue (MIT, IEEE Fellow, NAE member),B.-H. (Fred) Juang (GeorgiaTech, IEEE Fellow, NAE member),William Byrne (Cambridge),Dan Jurafsky (Stanford), Richard Stern (CMU),方棣棠,吴文虎,刘润生等。
CSLT consists of  three labs: the speech recognition (ASR) lab, the voice print recognition (VPR) lab, the natural language processing (NLP) lab. A large number of famous researchers are in the advisory board, including Prof. Victor Zue (MIT), B.-H. (Fred) Juang, William Byrne (Cambridge), Dan Jurafsky (Standford), Richard Stern (CMU), Litang Fang(Tsinghua), Wenhu Wu(Tsinghua), Runsheng Liu(Tsinghua).

2014年10月16日 (四) 05:37的版本

The Center for Speech and Language Technology (CSLT), Tsinghua University, was established with the goal of conducting edge-cutting research on intelligent human-machine interactions, particularly the research on speech and language techniques. The main topics involve speech recognition, biometric certification, spoken information discovery, natural language processing and understanding.

The predecessor of CSLT, the center for speech technology (CST) was established in 1979. In Feb. 2007, CST was merged with a few other research groups including the speech technology group and speech chip group of the department of electronic & electricity, the future information technology (FIT) center of RIIT and the AI research department of Tsinghua National Lab of Information Science & Technology (TNList). The new institute is dedicated to fundamental research on speech and language technologies, as well as practical delivers for the the industry.

CSLT consists of three labs: the speech recognition (ASR) lab, the voice print recognition (VPR) lab, the natural language processing (NLP) lab. A large number of famous researchers are in the advisory board, including Prof. Victor Zue (MIT), B.-H. (Fred) Juang, William Byrne (Cambridge), Dan Jurafsky (Standford), Richard Stern (CMU), Litang Fang(Tsinghua), Wenhu Wu(Tsinghua), Runsheng Liu(Tsinghua).