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第61行: 第61行:
|Xiaolou Li
|Xiaolou Li
* IS2024 conference
* organize papers and posters
第105行: 第106行:
|Tianhao Wang
|Tianhao Wang
* IS2024 conference

2024年9月9日 (一) 10:43的版本

People This Week Next Week Task Tracking (DeadLine)
Dong Wang
  • Handbook for middle school. v0.0 done.
Lantian Li
Ying Shi
  • Help Turi and Zhenghai for the ICASSP paper
Zhenghai You
Junming Yuan
  • mixed Hubert pretraining v1 result[1](error)
    • find a aligned problem(get a error aligned masked label)
Xiaolou Li
  • IS2024 conference
  • organize papers and posters
Zehua Liu
Pengqi Li
Wan Lin
Tianhao Wang
  • IS2024 conference
Zhenyu Zhou
Junhui Chen
Jiaying Wang
Yu Zhang
Wenqiang Du
  • Release chinese and Cantonese KWS model
Yang Wei
  • Record AI lesson (2/10)
    • Chapter 0(introduction)
    • Chapter 1
  • Paper reading (about Chinese Mispronunciation Detection)
  • AI radiance's daily work
  • Dataset paper writing for icassp
Yue Gu
  • Interspeech2024
  • Read several interspeech2024 papers about contextual ASR
Qi Qu