“NLP Status Report 2017-5-22”版本间的差异

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|Shipan Ren ||
|Shipan Ren ||
* learn the implement of seq2seq model
* read tf_translate code
* understand the meaning of main code
* start writing documents

2017年5月23日 (二) 03:18的版本

Date People Last Week This Week
2017/4/5 Jiyuan Zhang
Aodong LI
Shiyue Zhang
  • tried to not train embedding but use external word vectors
  • most results of my attempts are bad, only 3-layer rnn + no dropout model got 25.54 bleu which about 2 points worse than original baseline
  • trained original baseline on new data ( the data fixed the reverse sentence problem), got bleu=27.88; moses bleu=32.47
  • try more models to get similar results as original baseline on new data
  • m-nmt model on new data
Shipan Ren
  • learn the implement of seq2seq model
  • read tf_translate code
  • understand the meaning of main code
  • start writing documents