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(以“{| class="wikitable" !People !! This Week !! Next Week !! Task Tracking (<font color="red">DeadLine</font>) |- |- |Dong Wang || * || * || * |- |- |Lantian Li...”为内容创建页面)
第6行: 第6行:
|Dong Wang
|Dong Wang
* NeuralMag paper finalization
* Review on TALIP
* Design for AI primary education
第17行: 第19行:
|Lantian Li
|Lantian Li
* GPU status [https://z1et6d3xtb.feishu.cn/wiki/XGcGwRK5viJmpRkjH9AczIhynCh]
* Submit three delivery packages (KTV-TSE, Bullying-D, SpeechActivity-D).
* ASIP-BUPT (NeuralScoring [with MixT/MFA], CohortTSE)
* AI course series
* New machine (rabbit04)
第28行: 第34行:
|Ying Shi
|Ying Shi
* got sick and was unable to complete most of my work as expected
* Finish Chinese Overlap ASR Model training
* Detect wake-up words from Continuous speech still in the training process
* [https://z1et6d3xtb.feishu.cn/wiki/OfyEwaqjkiCRmGk1Cl0cZKGEnIT?from=from_copylink group work ]
* Finish wake-up Model
* deliver ASR model  and wake-up model
* Finish draft of SPL  paper....
第39行: 第50行:
|Zhenghai You
|Zhenghai You
* Huawei project[https://z1et6d3xtb.feishu.cn/wiki/VOF4wORTWiw7tZkD3M4cZFkInOe]
* Minimal loss without cohort
第49行: 第61行:
|Junming Yuan
|Junming Yuan
* Experimental report on "learn not to listen" v3[https://z1et6d3xtb.feishu.cn/docx/WHgkdMukWotL6cxpT5YcDy6rnbd]
第60行: 第72行:
|Chen Chen
|Chen Chen
* Finish thesis v1
* group work [https://z1et6d3xtb.feishu.cn/docx/YMiLdBy4Yo59ITxmoYDcCfdMnBf?from=from_copylink]
* refine thesis
第71行: 第84行:
|Xiaolou Li
|Xiaolou Li
* reproduce VSR structures
第82行: 第95行:
|Zehua Liu
|Zehua Liu
* try many distillation ways[https://z1et6d3xtb.feishu.cn/docx/ZaTFd3A5EoK982xWBVschloanee?from=from_copylink]
第93行: 第106行:
|Pengqi Li
|Pengqi Li
* summary[https://z1et6d3xtb.feishu.cn/docx/Mt46dqE8UoBnuBxu7q8cPletnzb] of speech processing XAI for NSFC
** finished structure and almost content
* polish, reference, tables
第104行: 第118行:
|Wan Lin
|Wan Lin
* Neural Scoring
** Adjust the training and testing phase of mutil-speaker tasks
** Design of the new architecture
* Graduation paper
第115行: 第132行:
|Tianhao Wang
|Tianhao Wang
* EA-ASP (from SJTU) reproducing
** data preparation
** EA-ASP implement
第126行: 第145行:
|Zhenyu Zhou
|Zhenyu Zhou
*Baseline design[https://z1et6d3xtb.feishu.cn/docx/BywjdkGvNou12sxQ4dAcxYa9noh]
第137行: 第156行:
|Junhui Chen
|Junhui Chen
* reproduce frequency-channel attention for Neural Scoring
第148行: 第167行:
|Jiaying Wang
|Jiaying Wang
* Huawei Project
* icassp 2024 paper selection
* speakerbeam + ResNet [-10,4]
第159行: 第179行:
|Yu Zhang
|Yu Zhang
* SAC training
* R2-SAC adapted database build (2020 - 2023, benchmark and stocks)
第170行: 第191行:
|Wenqiang Du
|Wenqiang Du
* Try to find the reasons why the offline testing and online running of the model have different effects
** almost fix [https://z1et6d3xtb.feishu.cn/docx/S67Dd7TVNoNKEaxELiXc7qE6nrd?from=from_copylink]
第181行: 第204行:
|Yang Wei
|Yang Wei
* Train ASR model for children mispronunciation detection and diagnosis task.
第191行: 第214行:
* Data Analysis
*  Text data collection
** Pdf documents
** News articles from official news website
* Course work

2024年4月1日 (一) 11:02的最后版本

People This Week Next Week Task Tracking (DeadLine)
Dong Wang
  • NeuralMag paper finalization
  • Review on TALIP
  • Design for AI primary education
Lantian Li
  • GPU status [1]
  • Submit three delivery packages (KTV-TSE, Bullying-D, SpeechActivity-D).
  • ASIP-BUPT (NeuralScoring [with MixT/MFA], CohortTSE)
  • AI course series
  • New machine (rabbit04)
Ying Shi
  • got sick and was unable to complete most of my work as expected
  • Finish Chinese Overlap ASR Model training
  • Detect wake-up words from Continuous speech still in the training process
  • group work
  • Finish wake-up Model
  • deliver ASR model and wake-up model
  • Finish draft of SPL paper....
Zhenghai You
  • Huawei project[2]
  • Minimal loss without cohort
Junming Yuan
  • Experimental report on "learn not to listen" v3[3]
Chen Chen
  • Finish thesis v1
  • group work [4]
  • refine thesis
Xiaolou Li
  • reproduce VSR structures
Zehua Liu
  • try many distillation ways[5]
Pengqi Li
  • summary[6] of speech processing XAI for NSFC
    • finished structure and almost content
  • polish, reference, tables
Wan Lin
  • Neural Scoring
    • Adjust the training and testing phase of mutil-speaker tasks
    • Design of the new architecture
  • Graduation paper
Tianhao Wang
  • EA-ASP (from SJTU) reproducing
    • data preparation
    • EA-ASP implement
Zhenyu Zhou
  • Baseline design[7]
Junhui Chen
  • reproduce frequency-channel attention for Neural Scoring
Jiaying Wang
  • Huawei Project
  • icassp 2024 paper selection
  • speakerbeam + ResNet [-10,4]
Yu Zhang
  • SAC training
  • R2-SAC adapted database build (2020 - 2023, benchmark and stocks)
Wenqiang Du
  • Try to find the reasons why the offline testing and online running of the model have different effects
    • almost fix [8]
Yang Wei
  • Train ASR model for children mispronunciation detection and diagnosis task.
  • Data Analysis
  • Text data collection
    • Pdf documents
    • News articles from official news website
  • Course work