“Zhiyuan Thang 15-06-29”版本间的差异

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(以“ Last few weeks (lazy): Presently got the conclusion that randoming the weights ahead of softmax of DNN before MPE training may be not helpful. Using language vec...”为内容创建页面)
第2行: 第2行:
Last few weeks (lazy):
Last few weeks (lazy):
Presently got the conclusion that randoming the weights ahead of softmax of DNN before MPE training may be not helpful.
training LSTM with MPE (failed);
Using language vector to pre-train the hidden layers of DNN gives at least a little improvement.  
presently got the conclusion that randoming the weights ahead of softmax of DNN before MPE training may be not helpful;
using language vector to pre-train the hidden layers of DNN gives at least a little improvement, especially 3 hidden layers is pre-trained when DNN is of 4 hidden layers;
have not realized leaky Rectifier and temporal Rectifier, as CUDA programing may be needed;
paper reading.
have not realized leaky Rectifier and temporal Rectifier, CUDA programing may be needed.
This week:  
This week:  
realize the two kinds of Rectifier.
realize the two kinds of Rectifiers;
paper reading.

2015年6月30日 (二) 14:47的最后版本

Last few weeks (lazy):

training LSTM with MPE (failed);

presently got the conclusion that randoming the weights ahead of softmax of DNN before MPE training may be not helpful;

using language vector to pre-train the hidden layers of DNN gives at least a little improvement, especially 3 hidden layers is pre-trained when DNN is of 4 hidden layers;

have not realized leaky Rectifier and temporal Rectifier, as CUDA programing may be needed;

paper reading.

This week:

realize the two kinds of Rectifiers;

paper reading.