“New member reading list”版本间的差异

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Language Processing
第4行: 第4行:
*[ Introduction to ML, Nils J. Nilsson, Stanford]
*[ Introduction to ML, Nils J. Nilsson, Stanford]
*[ Introduction to Machine Learning, Ethem Alpaydın]
*[ Introduction to Machine Learning, Ethem Alpaydın]
*[http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~tom/mlbook-chapter-slides.html Machine Learning course given by Tom Mitchell]
*[http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~tom/mlbook-chapter-slides.html Machine Learning course given by Tom Mitchell (1997)]
*[http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~tom/10701_sp11/lectures.shtml  Machine Learning course given by Tom Mitchell (2011)]
*[http://videolectures.net/site/normal_dl/tag=48063/icml09_bengio_lecun_tldar.pdf A tutorial from Bengio and Lecun for deep learning (2009)]
*[http://videolectures.net/site/normal_dl/tag=52790/jul09_hinton_deeplearn.pdf A tutorial from Goffery Hinton (2009)]
*[http://www.deeplearningbook.org/contents/guidelines.html Practical tricks for deep learning given by Bengio ]
*[https://github.com/ty4z2008/Qix/blob/master/dl.md A good list for deep learning materials]
*[http://deeplearning.net/reading-list/ A reading list for DL from Bengio's group]
*[http://ufldl.stanford.edu/wiki/index.php/UFLDL_Recommended_Readings Reading list from Stanford]
==Speech Processing==
==Speech Processing==
第11行: 第17行:
* [ Spring Handbook of Speech Processing, Ed. Jacob Benesty, M. Mohan Sondhi, Yiteng Huang]
* [ Spring Handbook of Speech Processing, Ed. Jacob Benesty, M. Mohan Sondhi, Yiteng Huang]
* [https://www.lrde.epita.fr/~reda/cours/speech/PH%20Spoken%20Language%20Processing%20-%20A%20Guide%20to%20Theory,%20Algorithm%20and%20System%20Development%20(2001)/ Spoken Language Processing, X.D. Huang, ]
* [ Spoken Language Processing, X.D. Huang, ]
* [http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-1-4471-5779-3 Automatic speech recognition, a deep learning approach. Dong Yu and Deng Li]
第20行: 第27行:
* [http://kaldi.sourceforge.net/about.html Kaldi toolkit]
* [http://mi.eng.cam.ac.uk/~mjfg/mjfg_NOW.pdf The Application of Hidden Markov Models in Speech Recognition]
* [http://mi.eng.cam.ac.uk/~mjfg/mjfg_NOW.pdf The Application of Hidden Markov Models in Speech Recognition]
* [http://www.example.com Edinburgh Course]
*[http://www.cstr.ed.ac.uk/downloads/publications/2010/king_hmm_tutorial.pdf A simple tutorial HMM-based TTS from Prof. Simon King]
*[http://hts.sp.nitech.ac.jp/?Home HTS homepage]
*[ HMM-based TTS tutorial slides]
*[ Fundamentals of Speaker Recognition: Homayoon Beigi]
==Language Processing==
==Language Processing==
=== classical book ===
* [ Speech and Language Processing]
* [ Speech and Language Processing]
* [ Foundation of Natural Language Processing]
* [ Foundation of Natural Language Processing]
* [http://www-nlp.stanford.edu/links/statnlp.html A full list of resources collected by Stanford]
=== deep learning in nlp===
* [http://homes.cs.washington.edu/~yejin/cse599.html Recently paper in deep-nlp]
==Finance processing==
* [ Economis of Money, Banking and Financial Markets]
* [ Finance]
* [ Trading as business]
* [ 超越技术分析]
* [ 高级技术分析]
* [ 技术分析实战]
* [ 期货市场技术分析]
* [ 证券技术分析一点通]
* [ 马丁-格林 技术分析]
* [ 股市趋势技术分析]
* [ Active Alpha]
* [ 货币金融学]
* [ Options futures and other derivatives]
* [[媒体文件:Active_Portfolio_Management_-_A_quantitative_approach_for_providing_superior_treturn_and_controlling_risk.pdf |Active portfolio mangement ]]

2017年7月12日 (三) 07:52的最后版本

Machine Learning

Speech Processing






Language Processing

classical book

deep learning in nlp

Finance processing