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机器学习,信号处理,语音识别,信息提取。是欧盟ALIAS项目主要研究科学家,法国ACAV项目主要研究科学家,法国外交部M4SVR项目申请人,主要研究科学家。在国际一流期刊和会议发表多篇论文,其中SCI期刊论文8篇,EI/ISTP论文20余篇, 是ACM transaction on Information system, Multimedia application and tools 和 Neural Computing 的审稿人。
机器学习,信号处理,语音识别,信息提取。是欧盟ALIAS项目主要研究科学家,法国ACAV项目主要研究科学家,法国外交部M4SVR项目申请人,主要研究科学家。在国际一流期刊和会议发表多篇论文,其中SCI期刊论文9篇,EI/ISTP论文30余篇, 是 IEEE transactions on Audio, Speech and Language, ACM transaction on Information system, Computer Speech and Language, Multimedia tools and applications 和 Neural Computing 等领域主要杂志的审稿人,是ICASSP,Interspeech, spoken language technology (SLT)等领域主要会议的审稿人。
[[http://cslt.riit.tsinghua.edu.cn/mediawiki/index.php/Dong_Wang_-_resumeEng click here]]
'''Journal papers'''
* Dong Wang, Ravichander Vipperla, Nick Evans,  Thomas Fang Zheng, "Online Non-negative Convolutive Pattern Learning for Speech Signals", Accepted by IEEE trans. on signal processing (SCI).
* Dong Wang, Simon King, Joe Frankel, Ravichander Vipperla, Nick Evans, Raphael Troncy, "Direct Posterior Confidence Estimation for Out-of-Vocabulary Spoken Term Detection", ACM Trans. on Information Systems, vol.30, no.3, August, 2012 (SCI).
* Dong Wang, Javier Tejedor, Simon King, Joe Frankel "Term-dependent Confidence Normalization for Out-of-Vocabulary Spoken Term Detection", Journal of Computer Science and Technology(JCST), vol.27, no.2, 2012 (SCI).
* Nick Evans, Simon Bozonnet, Dong Wang, Corinne Fredouille and Raphael Troncy, "A Comparative Study of Bottom-up and Top-down Approaches to Speaker Diarization ", IEEE Trans. on Audio, Speech and Language Processing,vol.20, no.2, 2012 (SCI).
* Javier Tejedor, Alejandro Echeverria Dong Wang, Ravichander Vipperla, "Evolutionary discriminative confidence estimation for spoken term detection ", Multimedia tools and applications, no.4, 2011 (SCI).
* Dong Wang, Simon King, "Letter-to-Sound Pronunciation Prediction using Conditional Random Field", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol 18, no.2, February 2011 , pp 122-125 (SCI).
* Dong Wang, Simon King, Joe Frankel, "Stochastic Pronunciation Modelling for Out-of-Vocabulary Term Detection", IEEE transaction on Acoustic, Speech and Language Processing, vol.18, no.8, November 2010 (SCI).
* Javier Tejedor, Dong Wang, Joe Frankel, Simon King, Jose Colas, A comparison of grapheme and phoneme-based units for spoken term detection in Spanish", Speech Communication, 60(11-12):980-991, 2008 (SCI).
'''Conference papers'''
Dong Wang, Javier Tejedor "Heterogeneous convolutive non-negative sparse coding",interspeech 2012.
Chao Liu, Dong Wang "N-gram indexing for spoken term detection",interspeech 2012.
Ravichander Vipperla, Juergen Geiger, Simon Bozonnet, Dong Wang, Nicholas Evans, Bjoern Schuller, Gerhard Rigoll, "Speech overlap detection and attribution using convolutive non-negative sparse coding", ICASSP 2012.
Dong Wang, Ravichander Vipperla, Nick Evans, "Parallel and Hierarchical Decision Making for Sparse Coding in Speech Recognition", Interspeech 2011.  
Dong Wang, Ravichander Vipperla, Nick Evans, "Online Pattern Learning for Convolutive Non-Negative Sparse Coding", Interspeech 2011.
Ravichander Vipperla, Simon Bozoonet, Dong Wang, Nick Evans "Robust Speech Recognition in Multi-source Noise Environments Using Convolutive Non-negative Matrix Factorization", Interspeech 2011.
Javier Tejedor, Alejandro Echeverria and Dong Wang, "An Evolutionary Confidence Estimation for Spoken Term Detection", CBMI, 2011.
Dong Wang, Simon King, Nick Evans, Raphael Troncy,"Direct Posterior Confidence For Out-of-Vocabulary Spoken Term Detection ", ACM SSCS 2010.
Javier Tejedor, Doroteo Torre , Miguel Bautista, Simon King, Dong Wang, Jose Colas, "Augmented set of features for confidence estimation in spoken term detection", Interspeech 2010.
Bozonnet Simon, Evans Nicholas, Corinne Fredouille, Dong Wang, Raphael Troncy, "An Integrated Top-Down/Bottom-Up Approach To Speaker Diarization ", Interspeech 2010.
Dong Wang, Simon King, Nick Evans, Raphael Troncy,"CRF-based Stochastic Pronunciation Modelling for Out-of-Vocabulary Spoken Term Detection ", Interspeech 2010.
Alejandro Echeverria Rey, Javier Tejedor, Dong Wang, "An Evolutionary Confidence Measure for Spotting Words in Speech Recognition", 8th Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systesm (PAAMS 2010), Spain, April 2010.
Dong Wang, Simon King, Joe Frankel, Peter Bell, "Stochastic Pronunciation Modelling and Soft Match for Out-of-Vocabulary Spoken Term Detection", ICASSP'10, Dallas, Texas, US, 2010.
Javier Tejedor, Dong Wang, Joe Frankel, Simon King, Jose Colas, "A Posterior Probability-based System Hybridisation and Combination for Spoken Term Detection", Interspeech 2009.
Dong Wang, Joe Frankel, Simon King, Peter Bell, "Term-Dependent Confidence for Spoken Term Detection", Interspeech 2009.
Dong Wang, Joe Frankel, Simon King, "Stochastic Pronunciation Modelling for Spoken Term Detection", Interspeech 2009.
Dong Wang, Javier Tejedor, Joe Frankel, Simon King, "Posterior-based confidence measures for spoken term detection", ICASSP09, Taiwan.
Joe Frankel, Dong Wang, Simon King, "Growing bottleneck features for tandem ASR", Interspeech 08, Brisbane, Australia, September, 2008, pp.1549.
Dong Wang, Ivan Himawan, Joe Frankel, Simon King, "A Posterior Approach for Microphone Array Based Speech Recognition", Interspeech 08, Brisbane, Australia, September, 2008, pp.996-999.
Dong Wang, Joe Frankel, Javier Tejedor, Simon King,"A Comparison of Phone and Grapheme-based Spoken Term Detection", ICASSP 2008, pages 4969-4972, Las Vegas, US.

2014年8月6日 (三) 03:21的最后版本




2002-2004: 中国Oracle研发中心软件工程师

2004-2006: 中国IBM软件开发中心高级工程师

2006-2009: 英国爱丁堡大学Marie Curie 研究员

2010-2011: 法国EURECOM博士后研究员

2011-2012: 美国Nuance公司高级研究科学家

2012-: 清华大学CSLT助理教授


机器学习,信号处理,语音识别,信息提取。是欧盟ALIAS项目主要研究科学家,法国ACAV项目主要研究科学家,法国外交部M4SVR项目申请人,主要研究科学家。在国际一流期刊和会议发表多篇论文,其中SCI期刊论文9篇,EI/ISTP论文30余篇, 是 IEEE transactions on Audio, Speech and Language, ACM transaction on Information system, Computer Speech and Language, Multimedia tools and applications 和 Neural Computing 等领域主要杂志的审稿人,是ICASSP,Interspeech, spoken language technology (SLT)等领域主要会议的审稿人。

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