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\name{Miao Fan \footnote{\url {http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=aPlHReAAAAAJ&hl=en}} \vspace*{.1in}}
\section{\sc Contact Information}
(1) 41-35 Elbertson St, Elmhurst, & {\it Phone:}  (1) 1(347)891-8622 (U.S.) \\
NY 11373, U.S. & 2015年5月14日 (四) 00:39 (CEST)[[用户:Fanmiao|Fanmiao]][[用户讨论:Fanmiao|讨论]]) 2015年5月14日 (四) 00:39 (CEST) (2) +8613581700448 (China) \\
(2) FIT, Tsinghua University, & {\it E-mail:}  fanmiao.cslt.thu@gmail.com\\
Beijing, 100084, P.R. China. & {\it WWW:} \url {https://goo.gl/XoQBmL} \\
\section{\sc Research Interests}
{\bf Text Mining \& Natural Language Processing}
  \item Information Extraction
\section{\sc Education}
{\bf New York University}, New York, U.S.A. \hfill {\bf March 2015 - March 2016}
\item[] Joint-Supervision Ph.D. Candidate, Computer Science.
\item[] Part Time Junior Research Scientist, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences.
\item Research Topic: ``Large-scale Entity Relation Extraction based on Low-dimensional Representations'' (Proteus Project)\footnote{\url{http://nlp.cs.nyu.edu/index.shtml}}.
\item Advisor:  Prof. Ralph Grishman\footnote{\url{http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=blwKAkUAAAAJ}}
{\bf Tsinghua University}, Beijing, P.R. China.\hfill {\bf September 2012 - June 2017 (expected)}
\item[] Ph.D. Candidate, Computer Science.
\item Dissertation Topic: ``Large-scale Entity Relation Extraction based on Low-dimensional Representations''\footnote{\url{http://pan.baidu.com/s/1gdparNP}}.
\item Co-advisors:  Prof. Thomas Fang Zheng\footnote{\url{http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=H3MX_8IAAAAJ&hl=en}}and Prof. Qiang Zhou\footnote{\url{http://cslt.riit.tsinghua.edu.cn/~qzhou/eng/index.htm}}.
{\bf Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications} \hfill {\bf September 2008 - June 2012}
\item[] B.Eng., Software Engineering.
\item Dissertation Topic:  ``Chinese Natural Question Generation Based on Wiki Knowledge'',\\ {\bf Best B.Eng. Dissertation Award}.
\item Advisor:  Prof. Guoshi Wu\footnote{\url{http://baike.baidu.com/view/9021485.htm}}.
\item GPA:  {\bf 95.4}/100 (Rank {\bf 1}/97).
\section{\sc Publications}
{\bf Miao Fan}, Qiang Zhou, Thomas Fang Zheng, Ralph Grishman. Probabilistic Belief Embedding for Large-scale Knowledge Population. \footnote{\url{http://cslt.riit.tsinghua.edu.cn/mediawiki/images/8/80/Probabilistic_Belief_Embedding_for_Large-scale_Knowledge_Population.pdf}} ACM Transactions on
Knowledge Discovery from Data ({\it ACM TKDD}). Full paper submitted.
{\bf Miao Fan}, Qiang Zhou, Thomas Fang Zheng, Ralph Grishman. Large Margin Nearest Neighbor Embedding for Knowledge Representation.\footnote{\url{http://arxiv.org/pdf/1505.02433v1.pdf}} Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing ({\it EMNLP'15}). Full research paper submitted.
{\bf Miao Fan}, Qiang Zhou and Thomas Fang Zheng. Learning Embedding Representations for Imperfect Knowledge Repository.\footnote{\url{http://arxiv.org/pdf/1503.08155v1.pdf}} The 24th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management  ({\it CIKM'15}). Full research paper submitted.
{\bf Miao Fan}, Kai Cao, Yifan He, Ralph Grishman. Jointly Embedding Relations and Mentions for Knowledge Population.\footnote{\url{http://arxiv.org/pdf/1504.01683v1.pdf}} The 10th Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing ({\it RANLP'15}). Poster submitted.
{\bf Miao Fan}, Qiang Zhou, Thomas Fang Zheng, Ralph Grishman. Large Margin Nearest Neighbor Embedding for Knowledge Representation.\footnote{\url{http://arxiv.org/pdf/1504.01684v1.pdf}} The 2015 IEEE/WIC/ACM Web Intelligence Conference ({\it WI'15}). Full paper submitted.
{\bf Miao Fan}, Qiang Zhou, Deli Zhao, Thomas Fang Zheng, Edward Y. Chang. Distant Supervision for Entity Linking.\footnote{\url{http://pan.baidu.com/s/1ntyX0iH}} The 17th Asia Pacific Web Conference ({\it APWEB'15}). Full paper submitted.
{\bf Miao Fan}, Deli Zhao, Qiang Zhou, Zhiyuan Liu, Thomas Fang Zheng, Edward Y. Chang. Distant Supervision for Relation Extraction with Matrix Completion.\footnote{\url{http://arxiv.org/abs/1411.4455}} The 52th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics ({\it ACL'14}). Full paper, oral presentation.
{\bf Miao Fan}, Qiang Zhou, Emily Chang, Thomas Fang Zheng. Transition-based Knowledge Graph Embedding with Relational Mapping Properties.\footnote{\url{http://pan.baidu.com/s/1pJqLPIb}} The 28th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computing ({\it PACLIC'14}). Full paper, oral presentation.
{\bf Miao Fan}, Qiang Zhou, Thomas Fang Zheng. Mining the Personal Interests of Microbloggers via Exploiting Wikipedia Knowledge.\footnote{\url{http://pan.baidu.com/s/1bntmkpx}} 15th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics ({\it CICLing'14}). Full paper, poster presentation.
{\bf Miao Fan}, Qiang Zhou, Thomas Fang Zheng. Content-based Semantic Tag Ranking for Recommendation.\footnote{\url{http://pan.baidu.com/s/1kT41lyf}} The 2012 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence ({\it WI'12}), pp. 292-296. Short paper, oral presentation.
{\bf Miao Fan}, Yingnan Xiao, Qiang Zhou. Bringing the Associative Ability to Social Tag Recommendation.\footnote{\url{http://pan.baidu.com/s/1o6wn7lg}} {\it ACL'12 Workshop} on Graph-based Methods for Natural Language Processing, pp. 44-54. Workshop paper, oral presentation.
{\bf Miao Fan}, Guoshi Wu. Aspect Opinion Mining on Customer Reviews.\footnote{\url{http://pan.baidu.com/s/1jGj47dG}} Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Informatics, Cybernetics, and Computer Engineering ({\it ICCE'11}) November 19–20, 2011, Melbourne, Australia.
Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing Volume 112, 2012, pp 27-33.
\section{\sc Academic Experience}
{\bf Enterprises Information Laboratory}, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications.
{\em Team leader} \hfill {\bf April, 2009 - May, 2011}\\
Studying on developing {\em Feature-Opinion Recommender System}\footnote{\url{http://pan.baidu.com/s/1jGj47dG}} funded by the National Innovative Experimental Program.\\
Advisor:  Prof. Guoshi Wu.
{\bf Natural Language Processing and Computational Social Science Lab}, Tsinghua University.
{\em Group member} \hfill {\bf May, 2011 - December, 2011}\\
Studying on social tagging at Sina micro-blog platform.\\
Advisor:  Prof. Maosong Sun\footnote{\url{http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=zIgT0HMAAAAJ&hl=en}} and Dr. Zhiyuan Liu\footnote{\url{http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=dT0v5u0AAAAJ}}.
{\bf The Association for Computational Linguistics}.
{\em Member} \hfill {\bf June, 2012 - Present}
{\bf Center for Speech and Language Technology}, Tsinghua University.
{\em Ph. D. candidate} \hfill {\bf September, 2012 - Present}\\
Exploring large scale knowledge extraction approaches which can be applied to build entity-based search engine or Goolge Knowledge Graph.
Advisor:  Prof. Thomas Fang Zheng and Prof. Qiang Zhou.
Founder of DolphinNLP Group\footnote{\url{http://www.dolphinnlp.com}} and leader of Social Card Project\footnote{\url{http://www.dolphinnlp.com/SocialCard\_OutStation}}.
{\bf C++ Programming}, Tsinghua University.
{\em Teacher Assistant} \hfill {\bf September, 2014 - January, 2015}\\
\section{\sc Professional Experience}
{\bf Hulu Inc.}, Beijing, P.R. China.
{\bf Research intern} \hfill {\bf April, 2013 - June, 2013}\\
  \item {\em Brief Intro}: Researcher and computer model developer for extracting relation instances from movie plots.
  \item {\em Programming Language}: \texttt{Python}.
  \item {\em Supervisor}: Post Dr. Tao Xiong.
{\bf Microsoft Research Asia, Machine Learning Group\footnote{\url{http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/groups/ml/}}}, Beijing, P.R. China.
{\bf Research intern} \hfill {\bf April, 2014 - July, 2014}\\
\item {\em Brief Intro}: Studying the link prediction in large-scale incomplete knowledge base, i.e. Freebase and WordNet, based on the low-dimensional embedding representation of entities and relationships without extra free texts. Developing parallel algorithms for large-scale knowledge embedding under the Microsoft Cosmos System\footnote{\url{http://blogs.msdn.com/b/seliot/archive/2010/11/05/cosmos-petabytes-perfectly-processed-perfunctorily.aspx}}.
\item {\em Programming Language}: \texttt{C++, C\#, Microsoft-SCOPE (Cosmos)}.
\item {\em Supervisor}: Associate Researcher Jianwen Zhang\footnote{\url{http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/people/jiazhan/}}.
{\bf Baidu Inc., Natural Language Group}, Beijing, P.R. China.
{\bf Research intern} \hfill {\bf November, 2014 - January, 2015}\\
\item {\em Brief Intro}: R\&D for Baidu Chatbot (Smart Search) System\footnote{http://baike.baidu.com/view/14785371.htm?fr=aladdin}. Modeling/designing multi-round dialogue algorithms/system for chatbot.
\item {\em Programming Language}: \texttt{C++}.
\item {\em Supervior}: Senior Researcher Shiqi Zhao\footnote{\url{http://ir.hit.edu.cn/~zhaosq/}} and Researcher Rui Yan\footnote{\url{https://sites.google.com/site/ruiyan516/}}.
{\bf Bosch Research}, Palo Alto, CA. U.S.
{\bf Research intern} \hfill {\bf June, 2015 - August, 2015}\\
  \item {\em Brief Intro}: Building an Information Extraction module that can be applied to large-scale datasets to populate structured forms of information such as knowledge graph or a relational database.
  \item {\em Programming Language}: \texttt{Unknown}.
  \item {\em Supervisor}: Senior Research Engineer, Doo Soon Kim\footnote{\url{https://sites.google.com/site/2soonk/}}.
\section{\sc Honors and Awards}
HUAWEI Ph.D. Fellowship (RMB 10,000), 2014.
RIIT Graduate Research Award (RMB 3,000), Tsinghua University, 2014.
Excellent Graduate Award in Tsinghua University, 2013.
National Scholarship for Undergraduates (RMB 8,000), 2011.
The IBM Chinese Excellent Undergraduate Scholarship (RMB 4,000), 2011.
Excellent Undergraduate Award in Beijing, P.R. China, 2011.
Excellent Academic Paper Award of 11th Creative Award in Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, 2011.
Excellent Leader Award of National Innovative Experimental Program, 2011.
MCM/ICM (Mathematical Contest in Modeling/ Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling) {\bf Meritorious Winner} (First Prize), 2011.
``Tang Jun-Sun Chunlan'' Enterprise Scholarship (RMB 5,000), 2011.
\section{\sc Hobbies}
Swimming, playing table tennis and the piano.

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