“Mengyuan Zhao 2015-12-14”版本间的差异

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(以“==== RNN AM==== *AM training on big dataset --mengyuan :* Test nnet3-MPE code from Xuewei on sinovoice 120h 16k dataset. Didn't observe performance improvement. Ther...”为内容创建页面)
第3行: 第3行:
:* Test nnet3-MPE code from Xuewei on sinovoice 120h 16k dataset. Didn't observe performance improvement. There are still some bugs in the code.
:* Test nnet3-MPE code from Xuewei on sinovoice 120h 16k dataset. Didn't observe performance improvement. There are still some bugs in the code.
:* Run nnet3-ctc training on sinovoice 120h 16k dataset. Result looks ok, but worse normal model.
:* Run nnet3-ctc training on sinovoice 120h 16k dataset. Result looks ok, but worse normal model.
* Start nnet3-ctc training on sinovoice 4000h 8k dataset.
:* Start nnet3-ctc training on sinovoice 4000h 8k dataset.

2015年12月13日 (日) 12:44的版本


  • AM training on big dataset --mengyuan
  • Test nnet3-MPE code from Xuewei on sinovoice 120h 16k dataset. Didn't observe performance improvement. There are still some bugs in the code.
  • Run nnet3-ctc training on sinovoice 120h 16k dataset. Result looks ok, but worse normal model.
  • Start nnet3-ctc training on sinovoice 4000h 8k dataset.