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Text Processing
第135行: 第135行:
====Domain specific LM====
====Domain specific LM====
* domain lm(need to discuss with xiaoxi)
* domain lm
:* embedded language model('''this week''')
:* embedded language model done
:* train some more LMs with Zhenlong (dianzishu sogou bbs chosen)("need result").
:* train some more LMs with Zhenlong (dianzishu sogou bbs chosen),put result on cvss.
:* keep on training sogou2T lm(14/16 on 3rd iteration).('''this week''')
:* small count done and ready to merge it.
*  new dict.
*  new dict.
:* handover of this work to hanzhenglong, give a simple docuemnt('''this week''')
:* dongxu help hanzhenglong to set up the new dict_2.0.
:* hanzhenglong need to report the result everyday on cvss
====tag LM====
====tag LM====
* summary done
* different weight [http://cslt.riit.tsinghua.edu.cn/cgi-bin/cvss/cvss_request.pl?account=lr&step=view_request&cvssid=304 2014-Nov-23,Monday]
{| border="2px"
|+ different weight
! method
! tag-jsgf  !! corpus !! weight !! wer !! ser !! add_wer
! experiment 3
| 500(490 less frequent and 10 unseen)||500|| 0.1 || 16.72 || 77.92 || -
| || || 0.3 || 15.42 || 71.25 || -
| || || 0.5 || 15.40 || 69.58 || -
| || || 0.7 || 15.28 || 68.75|| -
| || || 0.8 || 15.38 || 68.33|| -
| || || 1 || 15.98 || 69.17|| -
| || || 2 || 19.08|| 70.83|| -
! experiment 4
|100(90 less frequent and 10 unseen) ||100 || 0.008 || 15.28|| 69.58|| -
| || || 0.02 || 14.84|| 69.58|| -
| || || 0.05 || 15.11|| 69.58|| -
| || || 0.1 || 15.30|| 69.75|| -
| || || 0.3 || 16.01|| 70.42|| -
! experiment 5
|500 ||100 || 0.01 || 17.57|| 78.75|| -
| || || 0.05 || 16.84|| 77.08|| -
| || || 0.08 || 16.59|| 76.25|| -
| || || 0.15 || 16.76|| 75.42|| -
! experiment 6
| 1280|| 500|| 0.1 || 17.42|| 77.92|| -
| || || 0.5 || 15.20|| 69.17|| -
| || || 0.8 || 15.30|| 68.33|| -
| || || 1 || 15.69|| 69.58|| -
:* conclusion:
  1. compare experiment 3  with experiment 5:
    same jsgf file, but the  tag number in corpus if different, we can find that when add
  more tag to corpus, the optimal weight is larger.
  2. compare experiment 3 with experiment 6:
  same tag number in corpus, but different jsgf size, we can find that different jsgf size have the
  same optimal weight.
* need to do
* need to do
:* tag Probability should test add the weight(hanzhenglong) and handover to hanzhenglong ('''this week''')
:* tag Probability should test add the weight(hanzhenglong) and handover to hanzhenglong (hold)
:* make a summary about tag-lm and '''journal paper'''(wxx and yuanb)('''two weeks''').
:* make a summary about tag-lm and '''journal paper'''(wxx and yuanb)('''this weeks''').
====RNN LM====
====RNN LM====
:* test wer RNNLM on Chinese data from jietong-data('''this week''')
:* test wer RNNLM on Chinese data from jietong-data('''this week''')
:* check the rnnlm code about how to Initialize and update learning rate.
:* generate the ngram model from rnnlm and test the ppl with different size txt.[http://cslt.riit.tsinghua.edu.cn/mediawiki/index.php/Jt-chinese#sampling_data_from_rnnlm]
:* generate the ngram model from rnnlm and test the ppl with different size txt.('''this week''')
:* check the lstm-rnnlm code about how to Initialize and update learning rate.
:* check the lstm-rnnlm code about how to Initialize and update learning rate.(hold)
第241行: 第165行:
====Knowledge vector====
====Knowledge vector====
* Knowledge vector started
* Knowledge vector started
:* begin to code
:* generate the structured data from wiki
====Character to wordr====
====Character to wordr====
* Character to word conversion(hold)
* Character to word conversion(hold)
第253行: 第177行:
====Spell mistake====
====Spell mistake====
* retrain the ngram model('''caoli''')
* retrain the ngram model('''caoli''')
第261行: 第185行:
:* using MERT-4 method to get good value of multi-feature.like IDF,NER,baidu_weight,keyword etc.('''liurong this month''')
:* using MERT-4 method to get good value of multi-feature.like IDF,NER,baidu_weight,keyword etc.('''liurong this month''')
====Multi-Scene Recognition====
====Multi-Scene Recognition====
* handover to duxk('''this week''')
* done
====XiaoI framework====
====XiaoI framework====
* give a report about xiaoI framework
* give a report about xiaoI framework
* new inter will install SEMPRE
* new inter will install SEMPRE
* GA-method improve the QA('''this week''')
* done

2014年12月8日 (一) 01:57的最后版本

Speech Processing

AM development


  • Already buy 3 760GPU
  • grid-9/12 760GPU crashed again; grid-11 shutdown automatically.
  • Change 760gpu card of grid-12 and grid-14(+).

Sparse DNN


  • Initial nnet seems not very well, need to be pre-trained or test lower learn-rate.
  • For AURORA 4 1h/epoch, model train done.
  • Using AURORA 4 short-sentence with a smaller number of targets.(+)
  • Adjusting the learning rate.(+)
  • Trying toolkit of Microsoft.(+)
  • details at http://liuc.cslt.org/pages/rnnam.html
  • Reading papers

A new nnet training scheduler

Drop out & Rectification & convolutive network

  • Drop out(+)
  • AURORA4 dataset
  • Use different proportion of noise data to investigate the effect of xEnt and mpe and dropout
    • Problem 1) The effect of dropout in different noise proportion;
          2) The effect of MPE in different noise proportion;
          3) The effect of MPE+dropout in different noise proportion.
    • Find and test unknown noise test-data.(++)
    • Have done the droptout on normal trained XEnt NNET , eg wsj(learn-rate:1e-4/1e-5). Seems small learn-rate get the balance of accuracy and train-time.
    • Debug the low cv frame-accuracy
  • MaxOut(+)
  • pretraining based maxout
    • Select units in Groupsize interval, but need low learn-rate
    • Force accept the first iteration. Jump out from the local-minimum
  • SoftMaxout
  • P-norm
  • Need to solve the too small learning-rate problem
    • Add one normalization layer after the pnorm-layer
  • Convolutive network (+)
  • AURORA 4
  nonlda                 | %WER      |Dnn l-u    | pool size-step| cnn dim-step-num                | cnn_init_opts
  cnn_std                | 5.73      | 4 - 1200  | 3 - 3         | 8-1-128 512-128-256             |--patch-dim1 8 
                         |           |           |               |                                 |--input_dim~patch-dim1
  cnn_cnnunit_384        | 5.85      | 4 - 1200  | 3 - 3         | 8-1-128 512-128-384             |--patch-dim1 8
                         |           |           |               |                                 |--num-filters2 384     
  cnn_patchdim1_5        | 5.92      | 4 - 1200  | 3 - 3         | 5-1-128 512-128-256             |--patch-dim1 5
  cnn_patchdim1_11       | 6.05      | 4 - 1200  | 3 - 3         | 11-1-128 512-128-256            |--patch-dim1 11
  cnn_delta_1            | 5.98      | 4 - 1200  | 3 - 3         | 8-1-128 512-128-256             |--patch-dim1 8
  cnn_delta_2            | 6.05      | 4 - 1200  | 3 - 3         | 8-1-128 512-128-256             |--patch-dim1 8
  cnn_layer_3            | 6.00      | 4 - 1200  | 3 - 3 3 - 1   | 8-1-128 512-128-256 768-256-512 |--patch-dim1 8
  cnn_layer_3_2          | 5.85      | 4 - 1200  | 3 - 3 2 - 2   | 8-1-128 512-128-256 768-256-512 |--patch-dim1 8
  cnn_layer_3_3          | 5.73      | 4 - 1200  | 3 - 3 2 - 2   | 8-1-128 512-128-256 512-256-512 |--patch-dim1 8
  cnn_layer_3_4          | 5.96      | 4 - 1200  | 3 - 3 2 - 2   | 8-1-128 512-128-256 256-256-512 |--patch-dim1 8

DAE(Deep Atuo-Encode)

 (1) train_clean
   drop-retention/testcase(WER)| test_clean_wv1  | test_airport_wv1 | test_babble_wv1 | test_car_wv1 
      std-xEnt-sigmoid-baseline| 6.04            |    29.91         |   27.76         | 16.37
      std+dae_cmvn_noFT_2-1200 | 7.10            |    15.33         |   16.58         | 9.23
   std+dae_cmvn_splice5_2-100  | 8.19            |    15.21         |   15.25         | 9.31

Denoising & Farfield ASR

  • ICASSP paper submitted.
  • HOLD


  • Frame energy feature extraction, done
  • Harmonics and Teager energy features being investigation (++)
  • Previous results to be organized for a paper
  • MPE model VAD ,good performance observed.

Speech rate training

  • Data ready on tencent set; some errors on speech rate dependent model
  • Retrain new model(+)


  • Timber Comparison done.
  • harmonics based timber comparison: frequency based feature is better
  • GMM based timber comparison is done. Similar to speaker recognition
  • TODO: Code checkin and technique report


  • Reproduce the experiments on fisher dataset.
  • Use the fisher DNN model to decode all-wsj dataset
  • preparing scoring for puqiang data

Speaker ID

  • Preparing GMM-based server.
  • EER ~ 4% (GMM-based system)--Text independent
  • EER ~ 6%(1s) / 0.5%(5s) (GMM-based system)--Text dependent
  • test different number of components; fast i-vector computing

Language ID

  • GMM-based language is ready.
  • Delivered to Jietong
  • Prepare the test-case

Voice Conversion

  • Yiye is reading materials

Text Processing

LM development

Domain specific LM

  • domain lm
  • embedded language model done
  • train some more LMs with Zhenlong (dianzishu sogou bbs chosen),put result on cvss.
  • small count done and ready to merge it.
  • new dict.
  • dongxu help hanzhenglong to set up the new dict_2.0.
  • hanzhenglong need to report the result everyday on cvss

tag LM

  • summary done
  • need to do
  • tag Probability should test add the weight(hanzhenglong) and handover to hanzhenglong (hold)
  • make a summary about tag-lm and journal paper(wxx and yuanb)(this weeks).


  • rnn
  • test wer RNNLM on Chinese data from jietong-data(this week)
  • generate the ngram model from rnnlm and test the ppl with different size txt.[1]
  • lstm+rnn
  • check the lstm-rnnlm code about how to Initialize and update learning rate.(hold)


W2V based doc classification

  • Initial results variable Bayesian GMM obtained. Performance is not as good as the conventional GMM.(hold)
  • Non-linear inter-language transform: English-Spanish-Czch: wv model training done, transform model on investigation

Knowledge vector

  • Knowledge vector started
  • generate the structured data from wiki

Character to wordr

  • Character to word conversion(hold)
  • prepare the task: word similarity
  • prepare the dict.


  • v5.0 demo released
  • cut the dict and use new segment-tool



Spell mistake

  • retrain the ngram model(caoli)

improve fuzzy match

  • add Synonyms similarity using MERT-4 method(hold)

improve lucene search

  • using MERT-4 method to get good value of multi-feature.like IDF,NER,baidu_weight,keyword etc.(liurong this month)

Multi-Scene Recognition

  • done

XiaoI framework

  • give a report about xiaoI framework
  • new inter will install SEMPRE


  • done